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Installing pigeon control barriers on a home can help prevent pigeons from roosting or nesting on the property. These barriers can be installed on ledges, windowsills, and other areas where pigeons like to perch. Some common types of pigeon control barriers include spikes, which are long, pointed rods that make it difficult for pigeons to land or perch on a surface, and netting, which is a mesh material that can be stretched across an area to prevent pigeons from accessing it. These barriers are typically made of durable materials, such as stainless steel or polycarbonate, and can be easily installed by a professional. Installing pigeon control barriers can help keep pigeons away from a home and prevent them from causing damage or becoming a nuisance.
Pigeon Spikes

Why owl decoys may not be enough

Using owl decoys as a method of pigeon control is a common practice in urban areas. Owl decoys are realistic-looking models of owls, which are natural predators of pigeons. By placing owl decoys in areas where pigeons are causing problems, such as on ledges or windowsills, it is thought that the decoys will scare the pigeons away, as the birds will perceive the decoys as a potential threat. While owl decoys may be effective at deterring pigeons in some cases, they may not be a long-term solution, as pigeons can become accustomed to the decoys over time and stop being scared by them. Additionally, using owl decoys may not be humane, as they may cause unnecessary stress to the pigeons. As such, using owl decoys should be considered as part of a larger pigeon control strategy.

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